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placeholder-image What is an Earthquake Shut-Off Valve and Why Do You Need One? Living in earthquake-prone areas like San Diego, San Marcos, El Cajon, and surrounding regions requires homeowners to be proactive about... placeholder-image A Guide to Preparing Your Home for a Stay-At-Home Summer The official start of summer is only a few weeks away! And, this summer, more of us will likely be... placeholder-image 6 Signs You Have Hard Water A San Diego home with hard water is a home filled with potential problems affecting your appliances, water fixtures, and... placeholder-image San Diego Water – Signs You Need Water Treatment When to Consider San Diego Water Treatment In San Diego, water treatment is an important consideration. Water contaminants vary greatly... placeholder-image What Is A Water Softener Alternative & Is It Good For Your Home? San Diego has relatively hard water, as do more than 85 % of American homes. We import most of our... placeholder-image National Drinking Water Week 2012, May 6-12 | Video Blog This our second installment of a week-long celebration of National Drinking Water Week, with specials on Water Filtration and Residential... placeholder-image San Diego Plumbing: Is it Safe to Drink Tap Water? If you’ve lived in San Diego for any length of time, then you know we have hard water. The evidence... placeholder-image What is Gray Water What is Gray Water? Did you know the average person uses 25 gallons of water a day? I’m not talking... placeholder-image Whole House Water Filtration If you would like to make sure that the drinking water in your home is safe to drink, a whole...
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