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Is Your Furnance Prehistoric?

Feb 15, 2012

It’s the middle of the night, suddenly you are aware of strange noises in your house, you lay there hoping that you just imagined it. But no…there it is again…a clunk and a groan…stronger this time.

You get out of bed. As quietly as possible, you open the closet door and grab the baseball bat that you keep close at hand. Gathering your courage, you creep down the stairway. Bang…so loud this time it reverberates throughout the house. It sounds like the floor boards are going to be ripped away right beneath your feet.

Down you go, holding the baseball bat, ready to swing at a moment’s notice. You’ve reached the closed door. You slowly turn the knob and open the door…and then you come face to face with the monster…the monster known as the Furnacesaurus.

Perhaps I have over-dramatized this a bit to get your attention, but truth be told many of us view that old energy-guzzling furnace as something akin to a prehistoric monster – eating us out of house and home…especially in light of rising fuel costs.

But we have some good news…

We are giving you a chance to turn that old energy-guzzling relic to a brand-new, state of the art heating marvel!

Furnacesaurus Contest

Enter Your Prehistoric Beast in Our Oldest Furnace Contest!

Anderson Plumbing Heating & Air is looking for the oldest working furnace in San Diego County! If your dinosaur of a heating system is from the Stone Age and is the oldest system we unearth…then we’ll replace it with a FREE energy efficient system from Lennox – the most efficient (98%) and quietest on the market. You get a free furnace and your mammoth energy bills become extinct!

Two Grand Prizes!

Anderson Plumbing Heating & Air will give away an energy efficient Lennox furnace to the homeowner with the oldest furnace in San Diego County.

A second Lennox system will be given away via a random drawing among all entrants in the contest.

Everyone Wins!

All entrants receive a certificate for $200 off the purchase of a new furnace! Plus we’re giving away valuable prizes of Jurassic proportions including:

  • Furnace filters for a year
  • Precision furnace tune-ups
  • Programmable thermostats
  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors
  • Free energy audits

To enter: Visit our Furnacesaurus Contest page or go to our Facebook Fan Page for contest rules and entry form.

*No purchase necessary. Some restrictions apply.

Winners announced March 23, 2012

Wouldn’t winning a new furnace be a great way to start the New Year? Remember, no purchase is required…and it takes just minutes to enter.

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