1) Maintain your heater year-round.
Basic heater tune-ups and maintenance performed regularly can ensure that you are heating your home in the most efficient way possible.
Most people will turn on their furnace during the first cold snap of the season. After the initial dusty, burning smell wears off, everything sounds fine and the furnace seems to be heating the house efficiently – but is it?
Not necessarily.
Unless your heater is maintained properly, it may not be working as efficiently as possible. This means you could be spending extra money on your heating bill without even knowing it.
2) Get a high-efficiency, fuel efficient furnace.
There are more than 100 million homes in the United States, and most of them use natural gas, forced-air heating systems.
Unfortunately, energy costs can go right out the flue with these types of systems. Greenhouse gases are also released and may contribute to global climate change.
In an effort to increase efficiency and lower carbon monoxide emissions, the government mandated a minimum of 78% efficiency for all new furnaces manufactured in the USA.
How to tell if a heater is high-efficiency:
Fortunately, figuring out fuel efficiency is easy for new furnaces. Today, you can see the “Fuel Utilization Efficiency” ratings right on the label of a new furnace. A new heating unit needs a rating of 90% or higher in order to be considered “high-efficiency.”
3) Get an Energy Star Rated furnace.
Today’s new furnaces with Energy Star ratings mean a reduction in energy costs of up to 40%. Many of these new units are also eligible for rebates by state or federal agencies.
Maintaining vs. Replacing Your Furnace
If you are not quite ready to replace your unit with a new heater installation, maintaining your current one becomes even more important. Your old furnace may just be in need of a few simple repairs to increase its efficiency and avoid the costs of a brand new unit.
To figure out the best option for your home, speak with a qualified heating services technician or heating repair expert from Anderson Plumbing, Heating & Air.